CineMike: de stap naar de Final Edition tuning van de Lumagen Radiance Pro (Engels)

Gestart door vik, juli 1, 2011, 10:48:59

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Dat is in ieder geval wel het goal Martin.  ^^

Citaat van: DVDmartinDVD op januari  6, 2017, 15:22:44
Dat zou een leuk uitje kunnen zijn om te horen en zien hoe de OPPO zich gaat manifesteren t.o.v. De andere spelers.

Ik heb ooit eventjes een standaard Marantz UD7007 gehad maar die was ik qua geluid al heel snel zat.

Ben benieuwd of de OPPO de nieuwe reverentie gaat worden.
Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike


ik wil tuning ik wil tuning .... van mijn oppo :-)
Speakers: Isophon 2x Cassiano`s D  2x FRC-C - 1x FRC-D 5x custom accuton Atmos/Auro3d speakers -- Sub: SVS SB13ultra on a subdude HD  -  Preamp: Datasat RS20I Cinemike Amp: Marantz MM8077 Cinemike bridged 5 channel  + MM8077 cinemike  Mediaplayer: Oppo UDP-203 cinemike ultimate - Cables: Inakustik Referenz LS-1002-  Beamer: JVC NX9 cinemike - Screen:IVISIONS Cinema HD-Series 112 inch


Lol  :D

Nog even geduld. Het gaat de goede kant op in ieder geval!

Citaat van: Masterkale op januari 24, 2017, 14:12:59
ik wil tuning ik wil tuning .... van mijn oppo :-)
Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike


Inmiddels is voor de Lyngdorf liefhebbers ook een modificatie ontwikkeld en met een prachtig resultaat.

Op streaming gebied heeft CineMike een aantal aanvragen gehad voor het ontwikkelen van een modificatie voor de Bluesound Node 2 en is momenteel bezig met de voorbereidingen.

Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike

Sander Sassen

Citaat van: vik op januari  4, 2017, 19:56:45
Inmiddels zijn de aanpassingen voor de Oppo UDP-203 in volle gang. Forum lid HTip heeft pas geleden een korte impressie gehad van een CineMike versie met enkel een aangepaste voeding.

Nu volgen de aanpassingen op het mainboard van de Oppo. Om precies te zijn de SMD componenten.

Hier een paar foto's van het orginele mainboard:

Is dit de PCB af fabriek? Zo ja, wat amateuristisch om al die soldeerflux zo te laten zitten, dat verwacht je bij een $25 kostende speler, niet een Oppo van $900.
Cute, cuddly and colorful, but beware the nasty bite

Deleted User

Citaat van: vik op februari  7, 2017, 10:31:28
Inmiddels is voor de Lyngdorf liefhebbers ook een modificatie ontwikkeld en met een prachtig resultaat.

Wat is die modificatie voor een Lyngdorf DPA-1?


Ik durf het niet te zeggen. Het zijn verschillende foto's van verschillende fase's vermoed ik. Er zijn wel al onderdelen verwijderd op deze foto´s.
Citaat van: Sander Sassen op februari  7, 2017, 11:02:49

Is dit de PCB af fabriek? Zo ja, wat amateuristisch om al die soldeerflux zo te laten zitten, dat verwacht je bij een $25 kostende speler, niet een Oppo van $900.
Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike


Dat weet ik morgen en zal dat gelijk delen.

Citaat van: jazzman op februari  7, 2017, 15:51:07
Wat is die modificatie voor een Lyngdorf DPA-1?
Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike


Ben wel benieuwd wat dit voor modificatie is, en wat de node 2 (geen usb out) met Lyngdorf van doen heeft.
You changed the outcome by measuring it! - Professor Farnsworth
NAD M33, Dali Epicon 6 en 2 x JL-E112, Bacch binaural software


Helemaal niets. Staan los van elkaar.

Citaat van: doorofnight op februari  8, 2017, 23:18:35
Ben wel benieuwd wat dit voor modificatie is, en wat de node 2 (geen usb out) met Lyngdorf van doen heeft.
Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike


Meer info over de Lyngdorf DPA-1 modificatie:

Volledige aanpassing die begint in de voeding, de volledige digitale en analoge signaalwegen inclusief de op-amps (mooi analoog karakter)

De Lyngdorf wordt transparanter, precisie neemt toe met meer dynamiek en controle.

Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike

Deleted User


Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike

Deleted User

I know, ik weet ook wat mijn uurloon is, maar deze prijs is hoger dan wat hij nieuw gekost heeft. Voor mij gaat dit niet op.

Ik steek dat geld liever in de ruimte die Rivasono voor mij gaat bouwen ;D


Dat respecteer ik  ^^

Ik adviseer mensen altijd om te gaan kijken en luisteren naar apparatuur (in dit geval 6K) in deze prijsklasse, zodat je zelf kunt beoordelen of je het het waard vindt. Ik kan een demo leveren op lokatie en meer kan ik niet bieden helaas.  We zijn gelukkig vrij in keuzes  :)

Citaat van: jazzman op februari 10, 2017, 12:11:41
I know, ik weet ook wat mijn uurloon is, maar deze prijs is hoger dan wat hij nieuw gekost heeft. Voor mij gaat dit niet op.

Ik steek dat geld liever in de ruimte die Rivasono voor mij gaat bouwen ;D
Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike


De modificatie voor de Oppo UDP-203 is afgerond. Ik heb hier een apart topic voor gemaakt:
Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike


Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike


Op 18 en 19 Maart 2017 volgt er weer een demo weekend. Dit maal volledig in het teken van UHD

Meer info in dit aparte topic:
Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike


Bijgevoegd een kort verslag van de eigenaar van een CineMike Lyngdorf DPA-1:

Around three or so years ago I was looking to replace my homemade pre-amplifier, which had an ultra-quiet noise floor and sounded very good, but it lacked a few of the refinements of modern pre-amps, like remote control and digital inputs plus my wife did not like the aesthetics.  So I set about trying to find the best sounding pre-amp I could that did not cost the price of a family car.  Having read so much about the Lyngdrof DPA-1 with its Room Perfect technology I decided I would try and find somewhere I could have a listen to it or even borrow one to try at home.  Lyngdrof being a Danish Company I could not find anywhere in the UK that would allow me to try it.  All the reviews I had read about it were extremely positive and so eventually I decided to just buy one directly from the manufacturers, based on the specification and reviews.

When it arrived, I plugged it in and switched it on only to be very disappointed by the noise floor and mains hum.  To be fair to Lyngdrof for most systems with less efficient speakers this would still have been very acceptable.  I have very efficient large horn speakers (102dB/w/1m) and these are very fussy about the system connected to them.  From my listening position the noise and hum was a constant source of irritation.  This was made worse by the fact that I was using a recently acquired Lyngdrof SDA2175 (200 watts/Channel) power amplifier which had been upgraded by the Lyngdrof factory.  The combination was not a match made in heaven.  When I connected my home made power amplifier in place of the Lyngdrof SDA2175 the noise floor was still there, but much lower.  This was essentially down to the lower gain of my amp; having only 25W/channel.  The output stage of my amp uses a single pair of transistors (per channel) which is a much better match for my speakers as they do not current share.  When using my own pre and power amp together there was no detectable noise floor at all, so I knew that the noise and hum was caused by the DPA-1 pre-amp.  A signal of a few microvolts is enough to be heard with these speakers.

I initially tried the DPA-1 pre-amp in uncompensated mode called Bypass Mode in order to gauge the quality of the analogue signal path.  The DPA-1 converts analogue signals to the digital domain and back to analogue again at the output.  This allows signals to be processed at the touch of a button.  Bypass mode just means that it is not using room compensation filters.  In this mode it sounded hollow, flat, thin and grainy compared to my own all analogue pre-amp.  This is probably down to low slew-rates in the op-amps and jitter on the clocks feeding the DSP/ADC/DACS.  I connected the calibration microphone that comes with it and set about calibrating the room.  It is possible to have up to 9 positions during calibration.  As each measurement is taken the system learns more about the room and when it has reached 90% or more it knows enough about the room reflections and bandwidth profile to create a set of compensation filters which is then applied to the input signal.  In this pre-amp the DSP runs all of the time and it is this that contributes to the noise floor.

Having applied the compensation the unit comes alive and yes it did sound very good, but with the slight smearing of the sound this took away some of the enjoyment for me.  The DPA-1 compensates for everything from pre-amp to speaker to room, thus if one element is slightly weak it will overcome this with the filtering.  The bass was stronger than it had ever been and it had more depth which gave the sound a better balance.  However in the background between tracks I could still hear the noise floor and mains hum.  I tried a number of tricks to try and remove the mains hum, but it was still there.  Eventually I decided to feed the Lyngdrof Pre-amp into my homemade pre-amp and then on to the power amp.  I could use the homemade pre-amp to attenuate the incoming signal to reduce the noise floor to a very acceptable level and compensate for this by turning up the volume of the Lyngdrof (this also uses more of the dynamic range of the DACs) and still have the enhancement that the Room Correction provided.  The mains hum still existed.  After a few months I decided that I could not live with this as it stood, somehow the enjoyment of listening to music had gone. 

I wrote to Siga Transformers (UK) and had them make me a very high quality custom transformer mounted in a mu-metal case to replace the stock unit which should cure the mains hum.  Eventually this turned up weighing nearly 3Kgs and it was duly fitted.  Yep, the hum had gone.  It was at this point that I was thinking should I just buy another pre-amp because I was still struggling to live with the set-up or should I have it upgraded.  The DPA-1 has so many useful features and is incredibly flexible and hard to live without.  The Room Perfect System just works so well.

I read an article about a Company called (CineMike) based in Germany that upgrades Audio/Visual equipment costing many more times than this unit and every review was extremely complimentary about their quality of workmanship and dedication to perfection.  I decided to write to them to see if they could help me with my problem pre-amp.  I was very pleased when they replied "no problem".

We agreed a budget and timeframe and the unit was duly packed up and sent to them.  They had the unit for two weeks and during that time they kept me informed of progress; explaining at each stage what they had done and even sent photos of the work.  They virtually replaced the entire analogue sections of the signal path from input to output; including the op-amps and capacitors.  They added extra mains filtering and modified the digital power supply bypass caps to try and reduce the DSP noise.  I suspect they also changed the DSP/ADC/DAC clocks to reduce the jitter.

They performed a series of listening tests as part of the tuning process and burned the unit in before returning it.  Mike informed me that they had upgraded the unit to almost match their reference system.  When they were satisfied with the results they informed me the unit was ready and having paid the bill they sent the unit back.  I was very surprised and delighted to be told that Mike had actually done more work than I had asked or paid for, but because we had set a budget before the work was started, he did not charge me extra, which was very generous and much appreciated.

On removing it from the packaging, I noticed a new row of screws on the underside which I guess is part of their new power supply system.  On the front panel is a very nice touch because now is says "cinemike" in chrome lettering and it came with a signed Certificate of Authenticity stating the model and serial number of the unit and state of tuning.

Having connected the unit up for the first time, I was struck just how quiet the Pre-amp was compared to how it was when I had sent it.  It was not totally quiet on the noise floor, but Mike had mentioned that he was not able to completely eliminate the noise, because the DSP runs all of the time.  However, it was a very big improvement and from the listening position you can no longer hear the noise floor.  You have to put your ear up to the mouth of the horn to hear it.  I would estimate that it is around a 12dB improvement.

I initially tried it in bypass mode – playing acoustic guitar (Tommy Emmanuel – Moon River instrumental); what a difference, it had better ambience, precision and attack; the smearing had gone completely giving the image a really solid high resolution presentation.  This is down to the higher slew-rates of the op-amps and lower internal resistance of the capacitors, providing higher current on demand.  What surprised me the most is that it was possible to hear more of the background ambience of the recording studio.  The acoustic guitar strings had real timbre making it sound natural and well balanced.  Next, I listened to Ella Fitzgerald (My Funny Valentine and Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye) and again even though the recordings are more than half a century old, they just sounded so much more precise than before.  The better definition allows you to hear the textures of the double bass and the image was again natural and solid.  It never sounded like that before in Bypass mode.

Having calibrated the room, I tried one of my favourite tracks called "Blower's Daughter" by Damien Rice.  Again this was such a solid performance with more precision and ambiance than before.  The cello playing in on this track is just stunning.  I then tried a few Jazz tracks with drums and brushes.  Kick drums have greater energy and attack than before and I could hear every movement of the brushes making the experience more lifelike and enjoyable. 

The depth of sound is such that on occasion I thought someone was in another room because I kept hearing voices behind me.  Having rewound the track a couple of times to hear it again I realised that this must have been in the recording studio behind the glass.

Pipe organ music had greater bass energy and you could feel the pressure of the bass within the room.  Before the system only hinted that something was there.  It seems that the system has a greater dynamic range than before or at least more energy at the extremes.  Brass instruments are smooth without any form of edginess or harshness, just sweet and revealing.  Piano is incredibly realistic and you can hear the actions of the sustain and softening pedals from the microphone sat on top of the piano during the recording; such is the resolution of the system.  I use vinyl, CD, DAB and high resolution internet streaming sources and they all sound very good.

The whole CineMike upgrade experience has been very worthwhile.  These guys are very professional and treat the customer and their equipment with upmost respect; I could not have wished for a better service and the end result is worth every penny.  I now have a DPA-1 that fulfils its true potential and I can enjoy my music at last; thank you Mike.

Citaat van: vik op februari 10, 2017, 11:29:53
Meer info over de Lyngdorf DPA-1 modificatie:

Volledige aanpassing die begint in de voeding, de volledige digitale en analoge signaalwegen inclusief de op-amps (mooi analoog karakter)

De Lyngdorf wordt transparanter, precisie neemt toe met meer dynamiek en controle.

Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike


Mooie review weer Viktor! Zeker van iemand die technisch zeer onderlegd is. Zijn ervaringen klinken allemaal herkenbaar 👍
Showcase - Topic

Apparatuur: PS Audio • Denon • Marantz • CineMike • ALR/Jordan • Cabasse • Velodyne • JVC • Stewart
Kabels en tweaks: inakustik • TAGA Harmony  • Furutech • CA Electronics • Nanotech • Acoustic Revive


Op onze show volgt ook de premiere van de CineMike T-1800 subwoofer

Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike


De oppo 203CM  is ontvangen en de marantz 8077cm heb ik ook weer terug...

Ondertussen gister nog even mogen genieten van de Cinemike ruimte in Duitsland wat een geweld hahaha.. daar zijn geen woorden voor.

De oppo heb ik aangesloten en wat korte fragmenten van mijn referentiefilms en muziek getest. De speler is dus nog aan het inspelen....
Eerste indrukken:
- Het beeld!! Wow wat een plaatje zet de oppo neer! Betere contrast waarden, vloeiender beeld en scherper. Echt een dikke vooruitgang!
Mijn beamer moet nog een calibratie ondergaan dus ben benieuwd wat de oppo er nog uit weet te persen.
- De surround bubble: Echt gigantisch, voor mijn gevoel heb ik dit nog niet meegemaakt in mijn woonkamer.
- Stage: Vooral met muziek zet de oppo een gigantisch podium neer, met alle details op andere plekken. Stereo lijkt wel surround.
- Mircrodetails: Veel extra details die opvallen tijdens films, the Conjuring is nu nog enger!

Dit was even een snelle samenvatting: Wat biedt deze oppo nu tov van jouw vorige 103CM versie? Een verbetering op alle bovengenoemde punten. De Denon cinemike versie wordt op diverse punten verslagen heb ik het idee. Om dit te bevestigen dan zou ik dit echt naast elkaar moeten gaan testen.
Speakers: Isophon 2x Cassiano`s D  2x FRC-C - 1x FRC-D 5x custom accuton Atmos/Auro3d speakers -- Sub: SVS SB13ultra on a subdude HD  -  Preamp: Datasat RS20I Cinemike Amp: Marantz MM8077 Cinemike bridged 5 channel  + MM8077 cinemike  Mediaplayer: Oppo UDP-203 cinemike ultimate - Cables: Inakustik Referenz LS-1002-  Beamer: JVC NX9 cinemike - Screen:IVISIONS Cinema HD-Series 112 inch


Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike


Ondertussen wordt ook de JVC DLA-Z1 laser projector gemodificeerd en klaar gemaakt voor de HighEnd show Munchen 2017

Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike


Inmiddels is het modificatie project van de JVC-DLA Z1 laser projector op zijn eind.

CineMike heeft zich zelf weer overtroffen met een fantastisch mooi resultaat. Een toename in beeld diepte, beeldstabiliteit, rust  en vooral de plasticiteit zijn weer de kenmerken van de modificatie. Zelfs de Sony VPL-VW 5000ES moet het afleggen als het gaat om beeld details. Dit was letterlijk een kers op de taart.

De laser projectoren zijn een stuk groter van formaat, dat betekent meer werk. De voeding bestaat alleen al uit meerdere boards bijvoorbeeld.

Op het mainboard in SMD bereik ruim 100 veranderingen. Het panel board rond de 90 (zie foto's)

CineMike staat zoals elk jaar op de HighEnd Show in Munich.  Jullie zijn van harte welkom uiteraard!

Mobiel: +31626102562 /WhatsApp

JVC- Sony- Barco-Trinnov- Lyngdorf- Lumagen- JBL Synthesis-JL Audio- Ascendo- Stewart- Adeo Screens-Screen Research-REL- Denon-Marantz-Arcam-Kef-M&K Sound- CineMike