Statement Sony over Mercury Lampen

Gestart door Annewiek, juni 20, 2024, 13:39:39

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Sony statement Mercury lamp sales FAQs.pdf graag delen we het statement van Sony met je over de lampen.

Mercury Lamp Sales FAQs

What is the ban and how does it affect the sale of lamps?
EU Regulation 2023/2049, which takes effect on January 1, 2025, has significant implications for projector lamps, particularly those using Ultra High-Performance (UHP) technology.

1. Mercury Ban: The regulation prohibits the manufacture and importation of products containing mercury. This ban comes into force from 1st January 2025.
2. Projector Lamps Affected: Ultra High-Performance (UHP) lamps, commonly used in projectors, fall under this ban. These lamps have been popular due to their high brightness and affordability.
3. Impact on Projectors: Once the regulation is enacted, projectors using UHP lamps will no longer be offered for sale in the EU.
4. Alternative Light Sources: Many modern projectors have transitioned to laser or LED-based light sources. These alternatives offer advantages such as longer lifespan (20,000-plus hours) and consistent brightness.
5. Global Implications: Although the regulation is specific to the EU, there are global conventions advocating for an international ban on mercury-containing products.

Will Sony be selling lamp-based projectors after the ban comes into force?
Sony stopped selling lamp-based projectors in 2023 and was one of the first manufacturers to make this change.

What about customers who have a legacy lamp-based Sony projector, can they still buy replacement lamps?

After 1st January 2025, no manufacturer will be allowed to sell mercury lamp-based projectors. Sony has already made this change however, after this date, we will still sell replacement lamps for our legacy lamp projectors.


Hier was al een topic over : Lamp based projector ban in de EU per 1-1 2026

En de datum is niet 1-1-2025, maar 31-12-2025 :

In de reply van Frank had Sony de datum ook al fout met 1 jaar.

Maargoed voor Sony verandert er dus niks omdat ze nu al geen UHP lamp projectoren verkopen.


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