Rotel Launches Final Part of Ken Ishiwata’s Hi-Fi Legacy

Gestart door Fr@nk, augustus 28, 2020, 19:26:01

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Rotel Michi P5 & S5 - Technics SL1210GR (2M Black/AT VM750SH) - Audiolab 6000CDT - Quadral Aurum Vulkan IX - Synology DS918+ - Eversolo DMP-A6 -  Tidal - AQ - QED.
RME ADI-2 FS DAC - HiFiman HE-1000 V2 Stealth  - Sennheiser HD600 Avantgarde - HD650 - HD660s - HD800s -Beyerdynamic T1 3rd gen. - DT1770 Pro - DT1990 Pro -  Amiron Home - Amiron Copper Wireless.


The Creation of the Rotel A11 Tribute & CD11 Tribute in honour of audio legend Ken Ishiwata.
Rotel Michi P5 & S5 - Technics SL1210GR (2M Black/AT VM750SH) - Audiolab 6000CDT - Quadral Aurum Vulkan IX - Synology DS918+ - Eversolo DMP-A6 -  Tidal - AQ - QED.
RME ADI-2 FS DAC - HiFiman HE-1000 V2 Stealth  - Sennheiser HD600 Avantgarde - HD650 - HD660s - HD800s -Beyerdynamic T1 3rd gen. - DT1770 Pro - DT1990 Pro -  Amiron Home - Amiron Copper Wireless.