Films, Media en de rest => DVD / BD / HDDVD / UHD releases => Topic gestart door: J.A.F._Doorhof op januari 23, 2002, 02:37:28

Titel: Harry Potter news
Bericht door: J.A.F._Doorhof op januari 23, 2002, 02:37:28
Gevonden op The Digital Bits.

CitaatWe've heard from several sources now that Warner's upcoming Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone will be released on DVD as a 2-disc set in the April-June timeframe. Expect the packaging to be similar to what Warner's used recently for Citizen Kane and Doctor Zhivago. There will be two versions of the disc, both special editions. One will be anamorphic widescreen, the other full frame. We've been told to look for director's commentary, deleted footage and/or a possible longer cut of the film.
Titel: Re: Harry Potter news
Bericht door: J.A.F._Doorhof op februari 5, 2002, 12:21:08
Ok, de officiele release informatie (van The Digital Bits).

CitaatDisc One

Includes the film in either anamorphic widescreen (2.35:1) or full frame (1.33:1) versions. Audio is Dolby Digital 5.1 (English and French - dubbed in Quebec) with English and French subtitles. Extras on Disc One include trailers and more.

Disc Two

Includes never-before-seen footage prepared especially for DVD, a 360-degree IPIX self-guided tour of Hogwarts (including the Gryffindor Common Room, The Great Hall, Harry's Room, Hagrid's Hut) controlled by your remote, new interviews with director Chris Columbus and producer David Heyman, a tutorial on how to play Quidditch (with an original Quidditch montage featuring Oliver Wood and Harry) and the Catch a Snitch game (play with your remote). There are also many interactive games that give you the chance to "have a wand choose you at Ollivander's Wands", "meet the ghosts of Hogwarts", "cast a spell over a scene in eight languages", "create potions correctly or wind up in the Infirmary", "sneak past Fluffy and other challenges to reveal the secret in the Mirror of Erised", "transfigure objects", "open a screaming book", "enjoy video highlights of the students and professors" and much more. The disc also includes many interactive DVD-ROM features that allow you to "be sorted by the Sorting Hat", collect Wizard Trading Cards, download "flying owls in the Great Hall", "Quidditch screensavers" and "your own Rememberall". You can also receive "owl e-mail messages", play Apple game demos and more.

All right, so that's the DVD. Now my thoughts. Glancing at this material, this DVD looks like it will be a TON of fun for kids. And I'll admit that I haven't seen the actual disc. But I was hoping for a little more balance on this title. I understand that a huge effort's been made to please the kids here. But the Harry Potter books took over the New York Times bestseller lists not JUST because kids were buying them, but because adults were too. And while there's lots of fun interactive games here for the kiddies, if you're a more adult fan of this film, the offerings look a little lean. Okay, so there's new footage available on Disc Two. Where's the thoughtful commentary with the director and the author on the effort to adapt the story to the big screen? How about one with the kids on the challenges of working on such a big film? Where's the in-depth documentary look behind-the-scenes at the making of the film? In short, there's almost nothing here for more serious film fans. And that's a shame. More and more, DVD is just becoming this platform for adding tons of interactive bells and whistles (many of which are cool, I'm sure). But once again, substance seems to be taking a back seat. How many times do we have to say this: "DVD should be about the FILM, not the bells and whistles."

Titel: Re: Harry Potter news
Bericht door: garmtz op februari 5, 2002, 15:41:08
Ik ben het wel eens met de mening van die gast van Digital Bits...
Titel: Re: Harry Potter news
Bericht door: FrankL op februari 5, 2002, 16:31:52
Ik ook. Ik denk dat ik deze disc aan me voorbij laat gaan.
Titel: Re: Harry Potter news
Bericht door: J.A.F._Doorhof op februari 6, 2002, 02:10:39
Moet toch wel de film zien.
Maar verder  :P.

Titel: Re: Harry Potter news
Bericht door: FrankL op februari 6, 2002, 10:31:13
De film is best leuk om een keer te zien. Maar het is echt een jeugdfilm. Alles wordt heel netjes uitgelegd voor de kleine kijker.
Titel: Re: Harry Potter news
Bericht door: J.A.F._Doorhof op februari 6, 2002, 12:01:36

Daar heb ik een hekel aan, als alles goed wordt uitgelegd, ik krijg dan het gevoel dat er een loopje met de kijker wordt genomen.

Maar blijf toch nieuwsgierig waar al die commotie over is.

Titel: Re: Harry Potter news
Bericht door: J.A.F._Doorhof op februari 10, 2002, 05:06:48
Harry Potter REGIO 2, 28-05-2002

Noch rund 14 Tage vor dem US-Start wird Warner die Code 2-DVD von "Harry Potter" voraussichtlich am 11. Mai in Deutschland veröffentlichen. Die US-DVD erscheint erst am 28. Mai. In beiden Fällen wird es sich um ein 2 DVD-Set handeln, welches voll und ganz auf die jugendliche Zielgruppe zugeschnitten ist: Standard-Features wie z.B. ein Audio-Kommentar sind nämlich nicht angekündigt. Stattdessen wird man auf der zweiten DVD vor allem eine Menge interaktiver Spiele und Spielereien finden. Die Code 2-DVD dürfte mehr oder weniger einer 1:1-Umsetzung der US-DVD entsprechen, die folgendermaßen aussehen soll:

Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone 2 DVD-Set (28.05.2002)

Bild: 2,35:1 (anamorph)
Ton: Englisch (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Untertitel: ?
- neue, für die DVD fertiggestellte Szenen
- Interviews mit Produzent David Heyman und Regisseur Christopher Columbus mit ersten Einblicken auf den nächsten Harry Potter-Film
- Interaktive Tour durch Hogwarts
- Besuch bei Diagon Alley
- Lehrstunde in Quiddich per Fernbedienung
- Ein Treffen mit den Geistern von Hogwarts
- Ausschnitte von Harry Potter-Synchronisationen in acht verschiedenen Sprachen
- Besuch in der Bücherei von Hogwarts u.a. mit Video-Biographien der Darsteller
+ weitere interaktive Features und Spiele
- Interaktive Tour durch Hogwarts
- Sammelkarten, die online erworben und getauscht werden können
- Harry Potter Spiele-Demos
- Newsletter
- Videobiographien
- Bildschirmschoner
Titel: Re: Harry Potter news
Bericht door: J.A.F._Doorhof op februari 16, 2002, 06:06:48
Potter DVD Makes Magic

Paul Hemstreet, vice president special features/DVD for Warner Brothers, told SCI FI Wire that the upcoming Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone special-edition DVD will turn the extra features into an experience that puts viewers in the world of Hogwarts. For example, instead of just putting preproduction sketches in a menu, the viewer will find those sketches in books at the Hogwarts library. Hemstreet said in an interview that this was a logical way to present material in the context of the Harry Potter movie.

"Rather than coming right out and laying it all out, it's still within the world of Harry, in that it's a book that would be in Hogwarts' library," Hemstreet said. As another example, he said, "you can go into each one of the professors' classrooms, and there are different features in there. 'Harry Potter Throughout the World' features listening to a scene in many different world languages. The Potions Game is there, which features potions that are mentioned in the book or the film, and it's a fun experience where you have to put the combinations together right or your potion could explode and send you to the hospital."

Other locations on the DVD include Diagon Alley, Gringott's Bank and the Hogwarts Grounds, where Quidditch is played. These features are on disc two of the two-disc set, which hits stores on May 28.

Titel: Re: Harry Potter news
Bericht door: J.A.F._Doorhof op februari 16, 2002, 06:07:31
As if there hadn't been enough hype surrounding the Harry Potter phenomenon, the home video release of the first Potter film won't exactly slip onto store shelves unnoticed.

Variety reports that Warner Home Video has lined up a $25 million marketing campaign to herald the May 28 release of "Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone" (a.k.a. "Sorcerer's Stone" in the U.S.) -- the most the company has ever spent on a home video launch.

Warner's plan is to bombard the airwaves with advertising on five of the six major networks (UPN has been snubbed), as well as specialty channels such as Cartoon Network, MTV, Nickelodeon, USA, ABC Family and E!

Between May 16 and June 16, the company's goal is to reach 95% of children aged 6-11 up to 15 times each. Coca-Cola will also be partnering on promotions for the video release.

During the last two weeks, Warner invited retailers, distributors and media to their website for an announcement about the release from producer David Heyman, direct from the set of the second film, "The Chamber Of Secrets."

Heyman said he hoped "Philosopher's Stone," which has already reaped $294 million at the box office in 2001, will be "the biggest video release ever."

The VHS version will feature five minutes of extra footage, while the DVD will offer what will add up to hours of extra material.

One deleted scene will feature the student witches miscasting a spell that locks all their classmates together, Variety said. There won't be a commentary track typical of most DVD releases, but the set will be loaded with games and a self-guided tour of Hogwarts.

While Fox's "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace," Paramount's "Titanic" and "Universal's "Jurassic Park" sold in the range of 15 to 20 million copies, Warner has only had one title to ever break the 10 million mark -- "Batman," and that was more than 10 years ago, the report said.

The company's biggest recent titles have included "Pokemon: The First Movie," "The Perfect Storm," "Miss Congeniality" and "The Matrix," which have all sold in the neighborhood of 5 million units, the report said.

But "Potter" is poised to enter the lofty 20 million unit status achieved by the pre-Christmas release of "Shrek," Variety said.  
Titel: Re: Harry Potter news
Bericht door: Sum1 op februari 20, 2002, 17:04:59
CitaatMaar blijf toch nieuwsgierig waar al die commotie over is.

Je kunt ook eerst het boek gaan lezen! :P

Serieus: Ik vond het boek (in het engels!) beter dan de film. De film probeert erg trouw te blijven aan het boek, maar dit heeft tot gevolg dat scenes worden weggelaten en dat de overgebleven scenes zo snel mogelijk achter elkaar aan worden gezet om de film zo kort mogelijk te houden. Dit gaf mij een wat gehaaste indruk. Bovendien voegt de film hierdoor weinig toe aan het boek. Just my opinion...

Blijft wel leuk voor kinderen natuurlijk (Heb je direct een excuus om de dvd wel te kopen ;)).

Okay, ik vind de film ook best wel leuk ;) maar het boek blijft beter...

Oh ja: waar zijn de andere 3 Quidditch wedstrijden?! >:(
More Quidditch please! ;D
Titel: Re: Harry Potter news
Bericht door: J.A.F._Doorhof op februari 21, 2002, 02:24:11
Ben niet zo een boek lezer.
Heb één keer een boek ECHT uitgelezen (na mijn 12e dan), en dat was THE SHINING (in het engels), makkelijke boekkeuze voor mijn engels (kon de film door en door), en tot mijn stomme verbazing heb ik de pil in 3 dagen doorgewerkt. Echt verbasingwekkend goed.

Maar ja,
Daarna nooit meer de tijd gevonden om een boek te lezen. Ben van de popcorn generatie  ;D.
